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La verdad es que TODOS necesitamos perdonar.

Todos tenemos que soltar esa carga y hacer libres a quienes debemos perdonar.

Hay personas que no saben pedir perdón y dejan “pasar” las cosas; se quedan en silencio y con la osadía de “estar molestos” como si ellos fueran la víctima, porque piensan que la otra persona debe hacerlo y ellos no; y esperan que pasen los días hasta que la otra parte también afectada “rompe el hielo” y después como si nada todo sigue y dan por sentado que ya fueron perdonados y no se atreven a pedir perdón.

No temas pronunciar esas palabras, y procura que cuando las digas, lo sientas.

Debes pedir perdón cuando tienes culpa o parte de la culpa de algo. Piensa lo que has hecho o dicho y actúa.

¡Hey! Es precioso pedir perdón, reconocer que te equivocaste es reconocer que eres humano. Que tienes madurez. No es para nada un símbolo de debilidad. Es todo lo contrario, es fortaleza. Y eres capaz.


The truth is that EVERYONE needs to forgive.

We all have to let go that burden and set free those we must forgive.

There are people who do not know how to ask for forgiveness and they let things "pass"; they remain in silent and with the audacity to "be upset" as if they were the victim, because they think the other person should do it and they do not; and wait for the days to pass until the other part, also affected, "breaks the ice" and then as if nothing at all follows and take for granted that they were already forgiven and do not dare to ask for forgiveness.

Do not be afraid to say those words, and make sure that when you say it, you feel it. You must ask for forgiveness when you are to blame or part of the blame for something. Think about what you have done or said and do.

Hey! It is precious to ask for forgiveness, to recognize that you have made a mistake is to recognize that you are human. That you are mature. It is not at all a symbol of weakness. It is the opposite, it is strength. And you are capable.

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Siempre con amor, Andrea Rodriguez Maza :)

  • @inspiralirica
  • @inspiraliricaart
  • @lapoesiadear
  • @andrearodma
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